What Do Sharks Eat? 5 Vital Parts Of A Great White Shark’s Diet! 

So, are you wondering what do sharks eat? Contrary to popular belief, the main part of a great white shark’s diet is not hippy-girl leg or small beach-going boys. In fact, great whites don’t like eating people at all – they...

The Deep Blue Shark: 7 Crazy Facts About This Huge Great White 

Deep Blue is – after the animatronic star of Spielberg’s seminal 1975 summer blockbuster, Jaws – probably the most famous great white shark in the world. She is famous the world over not only for her prodigious size but also for...

4 Forgotten Aquariums With Great White Sharks

One of the world’s most fearsome ocean predators is also one of its most elusive. The overwhelming majority of the world’s people will never lay eyes on a great white shark outside of documentaries, and while many people are happy with...

Behind The Teeth


Are These The 8 Best Shark Movies Ever Made?

The great white shark is a much-maligned animal, and it has to be said that a massive, massive reason for this is how it’s portrayed on the silver screen.  One movie is more responsible for this unearned reputation (and we’ll get to...

Bull Shark Vs Great White: Speed, Size, & Who Would Win in a Fight?

So, you want to find out the most crucial differences between a bull shark vs great white? You're in the right place because this is the only guide you need! The great white is a shark that needs no introduction. Since its...

Great White Shark Attack: 5 Infamous Incidents & Why They Happened

The great white shark is, it’s fair to say, one of the world’s most unfairly maligned creatures. As one of the ocean’s greatest apex predators, a great white shark attack is rightly feared, but this often leaves the creatures themselves vilified...

The Great White Gallery

Great White Shark Attack: 5 Infamous Incidents & Why They Happened

Freshly Caught stories

Great White Shark Habitat Map: 5 Surprising Places You Find Them Worldwide

The great white shark is a shark that has a surprisingly diverse range. Most people probably think of places like Mexico, Australia, and South Africa when thinking of potential places for...

Tiger Shark Vs Great White Shark: The Moment of Truth

If there is another shark that rivals the great white for notoriety, it is almost certainly the great white shark. While not as immediately iconic as the great white nor as...

Top 5 Great White Shark Videos For Kids You Can Watch Free 

Great white sharks are one of nature’s most misunderstood animals. They are painted as relentless, savage man-eaters that will tear your legs off if you so much as dip a toe...

Orca vs Great White: The Killer Showdown

The great white shark is the world’s largest macro predatory fish and, in essence, an apex predator. It’s so large and powerful that no other marine creature is capable of taking...

Bull Shark Vs Great White: Speed, Size, & Who Would Win in a Fight?

So, you want to find out the most crucial differences between a bull shark vs great white? You're in the right place because this is the only guide you need! The great...

A Guide To The Biggest Great White Shark Known To Man

Great white sharks are, as the name might suggest, pretty big sharks. Though they’re not the biggest sharks in the world (that honor goes to the whale shark), they are the...